Learn to Play the Bagpipes
I have been successfully teaching bagpipes for well over twenty years. You will be guided every step of the way through this amazing life-changing journey. All that is required of you is a commitment to practice and you WILL play the bagpipes and play them well. Absolutely no musical experience is needed. I'm a very patient and successful teacher who can teach anyone to play the bagpipes who is willing to practice. I have a really great proven teaching method.
Many of the students that I've taught from scratch have gone on to become very successful pipers. My students have been consistently winning for years in Grade One through Grade Four in the Western United States Pipe Band Association (WUSPBA.) Some of them have gone on to play in the Grade One finals in the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, Scotland with the LA Scots. Some have become Pipe Majors and started their own bands and others have started teaching students themselves.
As a Pipe Band instructor, I have taught two start-up Grade Four bands, The Pasadena Scots and the Misty Isle pipebands. I taught the start-up Grade Four Misty Isle Pipe Band who won the 2004 and 2005 WUSPBA Overall Champions.
The Pasadena Scots, in their first year as a band, won the Overall WUSPBA Grade Four in 2007 and won again in 2008.
They also won three first place prizes in the following contests in Scotland:
Grade 4 2009 North Berwick, 1st Place
Perth, 1st Place
Crieff, 1st Place
World Pipe Band Championships, 6th Place
The band was promoted to Grade 3 where they have won the overall WUSPBA Championship in 2010 and in
2011 placed 3rd at the North Berwick games in Scotland.
Call me for more information. I'm also available to give live lessons over the web using Skype if you're not in the
Los Angeles area.
Phone: (818)384-8693
Email: john@bagpipetamer.com